Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Nicotine Works

We have been talking about cell biology in class these last few weeks.  Specifically, we just covered passive/active transport and endocytosis/exocytosis.  I enjoy looking at how the brain works while covering this.  The students don't have to understand neurotransmitters and how drugs work for basic biology, but many find it enjoyable.

After talking about it on Friday, I then found this infographic about how nicotine works.  Some take home facts:  Nicotine (like caffeine) serves the plant as an insecticide to fight off pests.  Each cigarette provides 1 or 2 mg of nicotine, yet a 60 mg dose would kill a human.  Nicotine mimics the actions of acetylcholine.

The website, GOOD, has some pretty cool infographics, videos and news.  Check it out.

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