Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Evolution-Creation Continuum

I have often said that the arguments between Evolution and Creationism create a false dichotomy.  From the National Center for Science Education, Genie Scott promotes quality science education and created this  continuum of different beliefs on the topic.

As you can see, many people possess many different ideas about evolution and creationism.  From Flat Earthers to Materialists, people find many ways to incorporate science and religion.  Some side with all religion and no science.  Others prefer all science and no religion.  Most people fit somewhere in the middle.  There is much diversity of opinion, even among scientist.  Not all scientists are strident atheists, like a lot of people assume.  Not all religious people are Young-Earth Creations, like others assume.

I place myself at the level of Theistic Evolutionism.  Where do you place yourself?

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