From the Huffington Post, Kristin Swenson continues a debate over mankind's dominion of animals from TIME magazine. In the article, she parses the word "dominion", which means to rule over. While God gave us dominion over the "beasts of the field", that does not mean we are to abuse our power.
As God places us in charge of His Creation, we must take the responsibility seriously. Human beings have caused great damage to planet Earth. Habitat Loss and Fragmentation may cause abrupt changes to the ecosystem, pollution affects all organisms for generations. Insecticides like DDT lead to endangering the Bald Eagles. Chemical Runoffs into rivers and lakes creates algal blooms and choke life out of the water. Worse yet, fossil fuels and more generate the problem of Global Climate change. We, as a species, have begun another mass extinction of species. This mass extinction is quite different from previous ones, as this is caused directly or indirectly by human activity.
We must take care of this planet we have been given. While we may continue to find Earth-like planets, we cannot reach them anytime soon. So we only have this one shot for ourselves and our children. We must all take the responsibility that God have given us a be as good stewards caring for our home.
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