Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Do You Live in a Cultural Ghetto?

The term "Ghetto" refers to a neighborhood containing members of the same racial, cultural, or economic level.  Ghettos usually imply a level of poverty to those living in them.  So think about your physical and social neighborhoods.  Most likely, you live near people like you, but you also interact with people like you.  Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can impoverish our outlook on other peoples and other cultures.

Open communication and interaction with different cultures offer the the best medicine against bigotry, racism and prejudice.  When we get to know someone outside of our normal circles, we learn that our preconceived notions don't match the reality before us.  

The internet promised to bring us interactions with people across the globe in less time.  But in reality, we tend tweet and befriend only people like us.  Global Voices provides internet articles from around the world, translated into English.  Now you can find out what people throughout the world are saying.  There are 6.7 billion people out there, some of them might have something interesting to say.  

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